Please call anytime your son or daughter will be absent from school. You may call 542-2646 and choose extension 1152 or 1153. Please let the secretary know at this time if you would like to request homework. Homework will be available in the DMS office after 3:15pm.
Please refer to the complete description of absences from the DMS handbook below for detailed information regarding student absences.
Attendance: Attendance is a vital part of a student’s success at DMS. Students who regularly miss school have a greater chance of academic failure due to loss of classroom instruction. It is the legal responsibility of the parent to ensure their child is attending school. Parents may call 542-2646 to report an absence. 150 minutes of instruction constitutes a half-days attendance. To be counted for a full day of attendance you must be here by 9:15 AM or leave after 2:15 PM. DMS will attempt to contact the families of those students who are not in attendance, and for whom no calls or notes have been received, after 9:30 a.m. Students who have eight (8) total absences in a semester will be required to provide a note from a medical professional for each absence to be excused after that point. Written notes from parents/guardians or phone calls will not be accepted as verification of absences after eight (8) absences in a semester. The Administration may also require notes from medical professionals to excuse absences from students who have demonstrated a routine history of being absent from school. The Administration has the legal authority to require written documentation from a medical professional to excuse any absence at any time. The Principal has the authority to make the final determination if an absence is excused or unexcused. Any student who has ten (10) consecutive days of unexcused absences will be dropped from DMS enrollment upon the tenth day of absence.
Excused Absence: School administration has the authority to determine if an absence is excused or unexcused. The following are valid causes for a student’s absence from school according to the Illinois School code: illness, observance of a religious holiday, death in the immediate family, family emergency, circumstances which cause reasonable concern to the parent or guardian for the safety or health of the student, and other situations approved by the school principal. Only the principal approves deviations from this policy. Students will be given three days to verify that an absence is excused before it will be marked unexcused. Students who have an excused absence will be provided an opportunity to make up tests or other work that was missed during their excused absence. All work will be made up at the teacher’s discretion but in all cases within the grade period missed. Students should talk with each of their teachers upon returning to school to receive make-up work.
Students will have the number of days missed plus one day to turn in all makeup work.
Any student that misses the entire day of school or afternoon classes due to illness or an unexcused absence will not be allowed to attend any extra-curricular activity on that day.
Students with grade deficiencies or with 10 days absence will not be dismissed early for extra-curricular activities, sports, or field trips.
Planned Absence: Please contact the Middle School office at 542-2646 if you are aware of the need to miss school in advance. Arrangements will be made to provide makeup work prior to students in advance of missing school. All makeup work is due on the day students return from their absence.
Unexcused Absence: Any absence from school, which is found not to be valid, will be counted as unexcused. Examples include, but are not limited to oversleeping, hunting, fishing, shopping, missing the bus, car trouble, farm work, babysitting, working, etc. Any student whose absence is determined to be unexcused will not be given make-up privileges. This will result in a loss of credit for the work missed in those classes on the days of the unexcused absences. Absences with no communication from home will be given three days for clarification after which they will be recorded as unexcused. Any unexcused absence may be considered as a form of truancy if the circumstances dictate.
Truancy: D.Q. CUSD #300, with the use of the School Resource Officer, enforces the public ordinance prohibiting truancy enacted by the City of Du Quoin. Du Quoin City ordinance #2006-007-01 prohibiting truancy contains the following language.
Section 1: It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of 18 years being either:
Enrolled in a public or private school within the City of Du Quoin; or
A resident of the City of Du Quoin enrolled in a public or private school outside the City of Du Quoin;
A non-resident of the City of Du Quoin enrolled in any public or private school outside of the City of Du Quoin;
to be present within the City of Du Quoin and to be absent himself or, herself from attendance at school during session without the permission of his or her parent or legal guardian.
Section 2: Any person who so absents himself or herself without said permission shall be guilty of the offense of truancy and shall be subject to the penalties set forth below.
Upon the first conviction, the payment of a fine in an amount not in excess of $25.00;
Upon the second conviction within a one year period, the payment of a fine of not less than $80.00 nor more than $500.00; and
Upon the third conviction within a one year period, the payment of a fine not less than $100.00 nor more than $500.00
Section 3: Emergency or unforeseen absences due to illness or other causes beyond the control of the person so absenting himself or herself from school without said permission shall not constitute truancy; provided that permission from the parent or legal guardian for such absence is submitted in writing to the proper school authority within 24 hours of such absence.
Section 4: It shall be unlawful for a parent or legal guardian to knowingly permit a person in his or her custody or control to violate this ordinance.
Section 5: A parent or legal guardian convicted of a violation of section 4 above shall be subject to a fine of not less than $75.00 nor more than $500.00
Section 6: the Perry County State’s Attorney is hereby authorized to prosecute violations of this ordinance.
Unexcused Tardies: Tardiness is defined as not being in your seat and ready for class when the passing period has ended. Discipline for Tardies is as follows:
In between classes - at the discretion of the classroom teacher.
AM/PM (in one 9 week period)
Tardies = lunch detention(s)
1. 4-9 tardies = In-School Suspension(s)
2. 10 tardies = Out-of-School Suspension(s)
Excused Tardies: Excused tardies may be given on a case-by-case determination. NOTE: a note or phone call does not necessarily excuse the tardy. The Principal has the authority to determine if tardies are excused or unexcused.
Tardy and Absent Policy:
Arrive: Students that arrive before 9:15 a.m. are tardy. Students that arrive after 9:15 a.m. are considered absent for the morning.
Leave: Students that leave before 9:15 a.m. are considered absent for the morning. Students that leave after 9:15a.m. are considered present for the morning.
Arrive: Students that arrive before 1:50 p.m. are tardy. Students that arrive after 1:50 p.m. are considered absent for the afternoon.
Leave: Students that leave before 1:50 p.m. are considered absent for the afternoon. Students that leave after 1:50 p.m. are considered present for the afternoon.