Monday, May 1, 2023
Today’s Lunch: Ravioli OR Cheese pizza, green beans, garlic bread, salad and fruit
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Biscuit and gravy, fruit, milk and juice
Tomorrow’s Lunch: Chicken quesadilla OR Beef taco, confetti beans, corn and fruit
Exemption forms for Seniors are now available in the office. Stop in before school, during lunch, or after school. The exemptions are due back to the main office by 3:30 PM on Friday.
The Boys All Sports Banquet will be held at the SI Center in the Fairgrounds on Friday at 7:00 PM. All male athletes are asked to attend this event. Bryan Mullins, SIU Salukis Basketball coach, will be the keynote speaker. Don Stanhouse, DHS graduate who played 15 years of professional baseball, will also be speaking.
HOSA will be collecting prepackaged snacks as treats for our local nurses during nurses week. Please bring your donation to the nursing office any day this week.
Tomorrow there will be two informational meetings in Room 112 for students interested in Co-Op Work for next school year. The first is before school at 7:45 and the other is after school at 2:55. You must attend one of these meetings if you plan to do Co-Op.
FBLA Banquet is Thursday at The W. Appetizers will be available at 5:30. Recognition and new Officer induction will start promptly at 6pm.
There is a blood drive Friday in the Auxiliary Gym from 2:00 - 6:00 pm. If you are 16 or older please consider giving blood at this drive. See any FFA member, Mr. Jones, or Mrs. Piotrowski to sign up to give blood.
The District #300 Educational Foundation Awards Dinner is Saturday. Awards will begin at 5:00 PM in Hibbs Auditorium with a dinner to follow in the high school commons. Tickets for the Awards Dinner are available in the office for $15 each.
Reminder that application forms and teacher recommendation sheets for next year's Pep Club officer are due tomorrow.