Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Arrow Academy starts today. 5th Grade is in Mr. Norris or Mrs. Williams class, 6th Grade goes to Mrs. Mathis’ class, 7th Grade goes to Mrs. Casey’s room and 8th grade goes to Mr. Crain’s room. You must be signed up to be in after school.
The first meeting for 7th and 8th grade Builder Club members is on THURSDAY, September 5th at 7:30 a.m. Dues are only $1.00 for the year. Please begin signing up on the bulletin board at the end of the 5th grade hallway.
There will be a NJHS meeting at 7:30am tomorrow (9/4) in the computer lab by the DMS office.
Art Club Members-T-Shirt Designs are due to Mrs. Campanella tomorrow.
Happy Birthday to Luke Bauman and Charlie Bishop
Today's lunch – Softshell taco