Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Boys 5th and 6th grade basketball tryouts will be held on Wednesday, December 18 at 3:00. All students trying out must have a current physical and proof of insurance to try-out.
Thursday during 7th hour in the commons is a party for all students who have perfect attendance for the entire semester. There is a list outside of the office of the students who get to attend.
How would you like to send a sweet treat to a friend this holiday season? The Builder's Club will be selling Candy Cane Grams on your lunch hour. The cost is 2 for $1.00. Write a friendly message to a friend or staff member and the candy canes will be delivered on Friday afternoon.
For the month of December, the homerooms in the lead for best attendance are Mrs. Small, Mrs. Smith, Ms. Higgerson and Mrs. Prather. The grade level in the lead is 5th grade.
This week is Winter Wonderland Week-dress up days. Tomorrow is;
Thursday-pajama day
Funny Friday-wear your ugly Christmas sweater
Lunch today is chicken Salisbury steak.