Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Today’s Lunch: Chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans, and fruit
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Breakfast pizza, fruit, juice, and milk
Tomorrow’s Lunch: Cheesy breadsticks, salad, carrots, and fruit
Junior girls: Distinguished Young Women has scholarship opportunities for junior girls. If you would like to learn more about this program visit www.distinguishedyw.org
If you have not paid for a parking sticker for this school year, you must pay your $10 as soon as possible. This fee for a parking sticker must be paid every year.
There will be a French club meeting on Monday, Feb 3 after school in Mrs. Dunavan's room. We will play Mille (pron. meal) Bornes and talk about Mardi Gras activities.
The next FCA meeting will take place on Friday, January 31st during both lunch hours. Freshmen will meet in the Driver's Education room, and Soph-Seniors will meet in Mrs. Stacey's Room. The cost for pizza and soda is $3. Please sign up with Coach File or Coach Boyett so we know how much food to order.
The next Educators Rising meeting will be held on Thursday during ELT in Mr. File's room.
Speech Team Members meet immediately after school in Mrs. Coleman's room today for a very brief informational meeting concerning regionals.
The Choices class will be selling cookies during both lunches tomorrow.
Attention FBLA Members: If you plan to attend the State Leadership Conference in Springfield on April 2 and April 3, please sign up in Mrs. Gross' room by this Friday, January 31.
Art Club meeting Thursday after school to discuss possible fundraiser and art show.