DHS Announcements March 16, 2020


Monday, March 16, 2020

Today’s Lunch:  Chicken alfredo, buttered broccoli, salad, garlic bread, and fruit

Tomorrow’s Breakfast:  Biscuit and gravy, fruit, juice, and milk

Tomorrow’s Lunch:  Softshell taco, Mexican rice, corn, and fruit

The city is now accepting applications for lifeguards and concession workers.  Deadline is March 20th at 4:30. Applications can be picked up at the city water office.

The LAST day to order your 2020 Flashlight yearbook is Friday, March 27.  Orders cannot be accepted after this date. Extra copies are not guaranteed for sale in the fall.  Order forms are available now outside the office or in Mrs. Dunavan's room (210).

Seniors-The Eagles Scholarship application is now available in the guidance office.

Anyone interested in being a tutor for a junior high student --please stop in guidance for more details.  $10 per hour.

Health occupations students will not report to the hospital for job shadowing.  Report to the nursing office for 6th and 7th hours. HOSA students who were to attend HOSA state, please meet with Mrs. Dean in the nursing office during lunch today.

The Driver Education field trip that was scheduled for March 25 has been postponed.  The new date for the event will be September 24, 2020. If you have already signed up, you will not need to sign up again in the fall.  I will provide more information in August.