
DES Families,

Du Quoin Elementary is very grateful to our parent community for your involvement and support this year. While we were not able to finish the school year as we have planned, it has taken a lot of coordination and perseverance on everyone's part to finish strong like we do every year. Collaborating with you on a new level with student learning at the center of our focus has been especially meaningful. We know that with our students and parents we will continue to move forward with our connected commitment to alway reaching to achieve our goals and see our students reach their potential.

As we finish the year, here are a few reminders and opportunities. 
1) Report Card grades - All students who have completed either online or paper work will receive a "P" for Pass on the 4th quarter grades. Final report cards will be mailed later this week to students' homes.  Kindergarten final scores are the same as 3rd quarter grades, since we were not able to individually assess student progress for the 4th quarter. Therefore, the report card will show the same grades as the 3rd quarter report card for Kindergarten. 

2) Student items - If you have not collected your students' locker items yet, they are still available by appointment from the elementary office. After Friday, May 29, all remaining student items will be donated to charity. 

3) 20-21 Registration - Online registration is open for all students. Login to TeacherEase with your personal email to access your student's account. After completing the registration, our office will check everything and reach out if there are any questions. We are not able to hold screening for the upcoming Kindergarten class and have postponed their registration. When and if we are able to proceed with screening and/or registration, we will contact families of incoming Kindgarten students with details. 

3) Welcome to Summer Parade - The teachers and I will be in our individual vehicles traveling around the community to wish, while from a distance, our students a good summer. While we cannot visit every home, we are hoping to ring in a little fun and excitement for what should be a celebratory time as we finish our school year. We will begin at 10AM on Thursday, May 21 following this PARADE ROUTE.  In coordination with the city and state guidance, we need your cooperation and please remember to follow safety protocol!  Everyone must stay in their doorway and/or sidewalk and has to observe social distancing to be safe, by staying 6 feet apart and/or wearing masks as we drive by honking and waving.  

In closing I extend my grateful thanks to the entire Papoose community for the way you continue to support me, the teachers and staff, and most importantly our students. I wish everyone an excellent summer and am looking forward to many more years of collaboration in supporting your learner.