We are currently seeking applicants for a classroom aide to work with students who receive special education services. This is a full-time position at Du Quoin Middle School for the 2020-2021 school year.
Applicants must meet the qualifications to be a school paraprofessional in Illinois. Those qualifications are as follows:
- At least 19 years of age
- ONE of the following:
- Associate’s degree or higher
- 60 semester hours of coursework
- High School Diploma or GED and a score of 460 or higher on the ETS Parapro
- High School Diploma or GED and the following scores on the ACT Workkeys:
- Applied Mathematics/Applied Math (with a score of 4)
- Reading for information/Workplace Documents (with a score of 4)
To apply, please complete a Support Staff Application. A District 300 Support Staff Application can be accessed and downloaded from our website here. Applications may be returned by e-mail to Administrative Assistant Denise Hirsch at dhirsch@duquoinschools.org or turned in at the District Office at 845 E. Jackson St.
Applications should be turned in by 3:00 PM on Monday, July 6, 2020.
If you have any questions regarding the position, please call the Du Quoin CUSD 300 office at 542-3856. Our office will be closed on Friday, July 3rd.