District 300

Return to Learn:  Essential Information

 July 28, 2020

In-Person Learning + Remote Learning = Blended Schedule

It is our goal to have all students attending everyday for traditional in-person learning activities. However, the circumstances in our community, county, region or state may not allow for that given the guidelines which are in place at this moment. Keep in mind though that guidelines have changed since March and are likely to continue to do so.

Blended Schedule

To allow for some in-person learning to take place, while at the same time reducing the number of students in our schools to help lower the risk of spread, District 300 is planning to open the school year in a blended schedule which will be a combination of in-person and remote learning.

For the blended schedule, students will be divided into two groups based on their last name. The groups will be as follows:

  • Last name A-L (Group A)

    • Group A will attend in-person learning on Mondays/Wednesdays.

  • Last name M-Z (Group B)

    • Group B will attend in-person learning on Tuesdays/Thursdays.

  • If you have children in the same household with different group assignments, please contact the principal of your children’s school and we will be happy to make appropriate adjustments.

On Fridays, all students will participate in remote learning activities. Attendance will be taken on these days and work assigned/collected during this time may be graded and included as part of a student’s overall grade. More specific information about remote learning will be provided soon.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Face masks are required for all students, faculty and staff. Students are encouraged to bring their own face mask every day.

Hygiene and Distancing

  • Faculty/staff/administration will model/review hygiene requirements with students often.

  • Signs and protocols will be on display throughout our schools to help students understand proper social distancing, wearing of face masks, and hand washing.

  • Students will have frequent reminders by faculty/staff/administration to social distance, wash hands for 20 seconds with soap and wear face masks.

  • Students will be socially distanced 6 feet apart whenever feasible.

Health Screenings

  • In order to be at school, every faculty/staff/administrator and student will have his/her temperature checked on a daily basis. Those with a 100*F or higher temperature will not attend school until they are fever-free for at least 72 hours.

  • On days of in-person school attendance, students will be asked daily about possible symptoms. 

  • Parents/guardians of students who ride the bus will be asked to certify that their child(ren) are fever-free and symptom-free prior to boarding the bus.

o   All bus riders will have temperature/symptom check upon arrival at school.

School Entry

In order to accommodate the additional staffing needs for student symptom checks and student supervision, our schools will open their doors at 7:20 AM on days of in-person attendance.

To allow for student symptom checks to be conducted as efficiently as possible, each school will utilize multiple entry points with teams of faculty/staff at each location. Each school will share more detailed information regarding entry points/directions.

Beginning of the Day

For in-person attendance, following the symptom check students will be reporting to a classroom or other designated location prior to the start of the instructional day. Students will not congregate in commons areas or gyms in the morning. Breakfast will be served each day, but will eat in classrooms or other designated locations determined within each school. Details will be provided by each building.

During the School Day

Each school has developed adjustments for the use of student lockers to allow for greater social distancing during times for student locker use. Each school will share more details about their respective plan.

Classroom Arrangements

  • Desks will be spaced apart to social distance students as much as possible.

  • Students will be assigned seats in each class.

  • Students will sit facing all in the same direction as much as possible.


  • Lunch will be provided each day.

  • Lunch will be organized differently to accommodate social distancing.

    • DES will utilize homeroom classes for student lunches.

    • DMS will utilize classrooms and other designated areas as possible for student lunches.

    • DHS will utilize their commons area, the auxiliary gym, and other areas as needed for student lunches.

Water Fountains

  • We have purchased water bottle fillers that will be installed at existing water fountain stations.

  • All students are recommended to bring a water bottle to fill/drink out of all day.

  • Plastic water bottles recommended and bottles are required to have a closable or covered lid.

  • DES students are encouraged to bring a small water bottle for easy refill using classroom sinks.

  • DMS/DHS: Water bottles must be clear.

End of the Day

  • As in the past, DES will release Kindergartners, parent pick-up, and bus riders at different times.

  • DMS/DHS students will continue to be dismissed by bells to their respective locations for parent pick-up, bus pick up, or to the student parking lot for DHS student drivers.

  • Parent pick up will be the same as usual -  in the back of the school for DES/DMS and in the front of the school at DHS.


The District is implementing a loan program for student use of Chromebooks. This program is intended to serve students who have no computer/laptop/tablet in their home. The cost to loan a Chromebook from District 300 for the 2020-2021 school year is $25, but a fee structure based on National School Lunch Program status will be used to provide accessibility for all students.

  • Each device is locked into our school firewall settings, but will be allowed onto any wireless network.

  • Students and parents will sign a Chromebook Loan Agreement to participate.

This guidance is subject to change.