Return to Learn: Essential Information - August 3, 2020
Greetings again everyone. I hope this message finds you well. Below are additional key informational items related to our plan to open up the 2020-2021 school year. The principals and I will continue to share out more information in the coming days.
We appreciate your patience and support as we continue to work through these circumstances. We are monitoring the situation in our community and county and are in communication with local officials including the Perry County Health Department. With this in mind, please remember that the information below is subject to change if guidelines for schools change or the local circumstances change.
At this time, our plan to open the school year on Aug. 17/18 involves a blended schedule with approximately half of our students attending in-person Monday through Thursday with Friday being a remote learning day for all students. We understand that some students/families may need to utilize full-time remote learning due to underlying health conditions/risk factors. We also understand that some families may wish to limit their child’s risk of exposure to COVID-19 or have opposition to the safety rules, such as the requirement to wear a face covering. As a result, we are now offering full-time remote learning to students on a quarterly basis. For those families who wish to utilize full-time remote learning from the beginning of the school year through the first quarter (ending on October 16), we ask that you contact the principal of your child's school no later than Wednesday, August 12:
- Mrs. Diana Rea, DES (
- Mr. Aaron Hill, DMS (
- Mr. Tim McChristian, DHS (
Your child's principal will then share additional information regarding the expectations for full-time remote learning.
Assessing Students
We understand that now, more than ever, it is essential for us to see where our students are starting the year. We will be using the opening weeks of school to assess where students’ skill levels and abilities are currently. Teachers at the elementary school, middle school, and high school will be using existing assessment tools to gather data which will be used to assist teachers in their planning of instruction.
Health Screenings
- In order to be at school, every faculty/staff/administrator and student will have his/her temperature checked on a daily basis. Those with a 100*F or higher temperature will not attend school until they are fever-free for at least 72 hours.
- On days of in-person school attendance, students will be asked daily about possible symptoms. The symptom list includes the following:
- Chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
- If a student entering the building has a temperature:
- Student will be sent to the designated isolation room immediately.
- A parent/guardian will be called to pick up their child(ren).
- Student may return to school once they are temperature free for 72 hours.
There are many health benefits of play and exercise for students, not only physical health but also social and emotional benefits that will be crucial as we return to school. We plan to get our students outside as much as possible for fresh air, socialization, and movement as well as an opportunity for them to remove their face mask. As long as they are maintaining social distance outside, face masks will not have to be worn.
- Elementary PE/Recess
- Students MAY NOT bring items from home to play with.
- Students will be in cohorts (same class group daily) to reduce the exposure to students from other classes.
- Playground equipment “high touch” areas will be cleaned routinely.
- Proper hand hygiene will be followed before and after recess.
- Middle School/High School PE
- We will follow many of the guidelines put forth by the IHSA being used by our athletics department in an attempt to keep students safe while exercising.
- Activities in PE are essential to supporting our student’s overall health and well-being and can help reduce stress and anxiety for our students.
- Students will not dress for PE for now.
- Locker rooms will be used solely for students to store athletic shoes they can change into for that class period.
- Students may use equipment that is shared, if it is disinfected between each use.
- Activities should allow 6 ft social distancing.
- Proper hand hygiene will be followed after PE.
We know we are sharing a lot of information, but we also know there are remaining questions. To assist with common questions, we will be creating and sharing a Frequently Asked Questions document later this week. In the meantime, do not hesitate to reach out to your child's school and we will do the best we can to assist you.
Thank you