DES Families,
We have had a great start to the new school year. While we may look different in our masks, I have seen "smiles" in the eyes of our kids that would warm any person's heart. As I was walking around classrooms today asking about their day and checking on teachers, one student told me, "I just love this place! I'm so happy to be back in school!" I'll admit it was truly a struggle to not give the student a big hug. After a "socially distanced air hug" I have to agree, we are all so excited to be back and having school!
Beginning Friday, all our homeroom teachers will hold a video meeting sometime between 8AM - 10AM. This is for the whole class regardless of whether your student is coming in person or are full time remote. Each teacher is designing what they want to do during the morning meeting, but it will include an agenda of the assignments and work your student will need to complete for the day.
On your remote learning days, students should login to Clever by 9AM using their login credentials or using a unique QR badge provided by the teacher. We will use this site to record attendance on remote learning days for students who are not in person. If you did not get login information, please let me or your teacher know. The login page looks like the image below.
After login on this page, all the digital resources your student will need are linked on this site. If you ever need help, please reach out to us for assistance at 542-2646.
Diana Rea, Principal