
Return to Learn:  Remote Learning Attendance

Parent/guardians, are you tired of receiving a text message from us at six o’clock in the morning? If so, we have good news for you.

We are making a transition to using TeacherEase for recording attendance for students who are learning remotely. This includes students who are full-time remote learners as well as those who participate in remote learning on Monday/Wednesday/Friday or Tuesday/Thursday/Friday.

To make this possible, we have created calendar groups for our students based on their schedules. This, in turn, will allow us to send messages to families which are based on a student’s group and discontinue mass messages except when needed.

Why are we making this move to TeacherEase for remote learning attendance? TeacherEase is already our database for student information including daily student attendance. TeacherEase just completed their work on this application last week so by opening the portal for parents/students to “check-in” on TeacherEase we can directly collect daily attendance information.

How will this work? 

On days that students are learning remotely, students are asked to “check-in” through TeacherEase by 9:00 AM. If a child is ill and unable to participate in remote learning, we ask that a parent/guardian report the illness to your school as you would on a day of in-person attendance.

TeacherEase will allow students and/or parents/guardians to check-in from their normal TeacherEase portal.  I originally suggested using the app from TeacherEase, but based on the feedback we've received, the app is not useful for this function which is disappointing. TeacherEase, therefore, should be accessed at teacherease.com. You can also find a link to TeacherEase on our Frequently Asked Questions document which is posted on our news feed on our website here.  

Checking-in on TeacherEase will let us know that the student is ready to check lessons and work on assignments. 


What if you or your child forgets to check-in by 9:00 AM on a day of remote learning? We will soon begin sending a text message reminder to all remote learners who have not checked-in at 10:00 AM. You will still be able to check-in and be marked as present. The portal to check-in will open at 7:00 AM each day and close at 3:00 PM. Any remote learner who has not checked-in by 3:00 PM will be marked absent.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  If a teacher conducts a live meeting, lesson, or activity which remote learners are required to attend, then a student must attend this event in order to maintain their “present” status for attendance. 

I don’t currently have a TeacherEase log in. What am I supposed to do?

We would like you to get connected with TeacherEase this week, if possible. To get started, you will need to have an e-mail address, then contact your child’s school during regular school hours. You can see further details on our Frequently Asked Questions document here. If using TeacherEase is not going to be possible, please contact your child’s school during regular school hours so we can make arrangements for documenting attendance on days of remote learning.