Happy Fall Papoose families,
We trust this message finds you well and enjoying, like us, the cooler weather as we have finally reached the autumn season. This is a great time of year to notice all the science around us - - the beautifully colored leaves, wildlife migrations and the chemical change of chocolate from a roasted marshmallow during a bonfire!
Autumn is also that time of year for school pictures. As a reminder we do have pictures for our Schedule A students on Monday, Sept. 28 and Schedule B students on Tuesday, Sept. 29. Both days have set afternoon times for our full time remote students. Full time remote students with last names A-L may come for pictures on Mon., Sept. 28 between 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM and students with last names M-Z may come Tues., Sept. 29 from 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM. These are the photos used for our annual yearbook, so regardless of purchasing a picture packet, everyone will get their photo taken on these days. If your student or you are not feeling well, we ask that you wait until make-up pictures which are later in the school year. No worries, these will be included in the school yearbook too. Oh, and while we are discussing yearbooks, we do have 2019-2020 yearbooks for sale in the office for $10. Please contact Mrs. Melissa Tilley at 542-2646 or send the purchase amount in an envelope requesting a yearbook with your student.
For families of students in 1st - 4th grade, we encourage you to check on your student's academic progress weekly on the grades tab in TeacherEase. The teachers, Mr. Alvarado, who serves as the Dean of Students, and I are reaching out to families continually to identify ways to assist all our students in being and staying successful in this unusual academic year. Next week we will send home and/or mail a document listing any assignments that have not been turned in or need to be resubmitted.
I am here to partner with families as our common, collaborative goal is your child's success and our school's success at my core! To that end, we encourage you to reach out to us so we can navigate the roadblocks to your child's success together. I am looking into the possibility of providing a Papoose Parent Academy families with video and/or in person training and information to support our learners and you. If you are interested in this opportunity, please fill out this form https://forms.gle/7hado8FuzYAfTjfy9. I can guarantee you that I will not hold all the answers, and we may have disagreements on policies; but I will give and do all I can in the face of this pandemic situation we have been given to create a path for all of the Papooses to learn, grow and feel valued!
With Papoose Pride,
Diana Rea, Principal