DHS Parents and Guardians:
Due to the loss of educational work time during the first two weeks of November;
Tues., Nov. 3: Election Day (no school per new state law)
Wed., Nov. 11: Veterans Day (no school)
The high school is adjusting its attendance schedule during the first two weeks of November only. Attendance days and schedules will be as follows for the following weeks only:
Week of November 2:
Mon., Nov. 2: 'A' Day (students A-L)
Tue., Nov. 3: No School
Wed., Nov. 4: 'B' Day (students M-Z)
Thu., Nov. 5: 'A' Day (students A-L)
Fri., Nov. 6 'B' Day (students A-L)
Week of November 9:
Mon., Nov. 9 'A' Day (students A-L)
Tue., Nov. 10 'B' Day (students M-Z)
Wed., Nov. 11 No School
Thu., Nov. 12 'A' Day (students A-L)
Fri., Nov. 13 'B' Day (students M-Z)
* Note if your child(ren) is attending all four days presently, they will continue to attend all four days.