Welcome to April and all the wonderful spring weather it brings. As a reminder, please watch the temperatures and make sure your student brings a jacket on cooler days. We do take outdoor recess daily and the wind coming off the lake behind our playground can be pretty chilly.
Tomorrow, April 9, is midterm of the 4th quarter. It's hard to believe, but our school year is beginning to wind down quickly. I highly encourage 1st - 4th grade families to check grades on Teacher Ease and reach out to your teacher with any questions or concerns.
Kindergarten parents, check the daily paperwork that your child is bringing home and practice the literacy and math skills nightly to keep up-to-date on progress. Kindergarten students reading more and more each day, which is so exciting. If your student has practice books in their backpack, ask him or her to read it to you. One of the most rewarding part of my job . . . is listening to and reading with our Kindergarten kids when the hard work of our teachers starts "clicking" for these children.
As a reminder, we do have school on Fridays now. The remote learning Fridays have ended for this school year. All students attend school on Friday through the rest of the school year. The only exception is for Kindergarten on Friday, April 23 because of screening for next year. Students in 1st - 4th will have class on Friday, April 23, so that non-attendance date is for Kindergarten only. Below are other dates and events that you are important to our school year:
Mon., April 26 - Fri., April 30 - Scholastic Book Fair - Thanks to the dedication and creative thinking of our PTO, we will be offering this during "library" periods and it will be outside in our pavilion. The fair will also be open at dismissal from 1PM - 2PM for any parent who wants to visit the fair with their child. You can walk over to the pavilion through the playground and shop for books, books, books!
Mon., April 26 - Fri., April 30 will be our state assessment week for 3rd and 4th graders as well.
Fri., April 30 - Day without Hate - All school are participating in this District event. We are all wearing white and teachers will have activities throughout the day that promote kindness, unity, and respect in our school and community.
Finally the end of the calendar year has been set for Tues., May 25 is the final student attendance day for the 2020-2021 school year. We are looking forward to finishing strong!
With Papoose Pride,
Diana Rea, Principal