Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Today’s Lunch: Tortilla chips, cheese cup/salsa, yogurt, chocolate grahams, and fruit
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Cinnamon roll/honey bun, fruit, juice, and milk
Tomorrow’s Lunch: Turkey and cheese sandwich, slaw, and fruit
If you would like to join Student Council next year, please pick up a petition from Mrs. Robison in room 115. All petitions are due by Wednesday, May 5th.
HOSA is collecting pre packaged snacks for baskets to be presented to nurses at facilities throughout our community. Snacks will be collected through Friday May 7th and distributed during nursing week the following week. Suggested snacks include granola or cereal bars, snack crackers, individual bagged chips. Donations can be dropped off in the nursing office.
JUNIORS & SENIORS: Prom t-shirts are available for purchase. The cost is $11.00. If you would like to purchase one, stop by Mrs. Miller's room for an order form. Deadline for orders is this Friday by noon.
Congratulations to the newly elected FFA Officers:
2021-2022 FFA Chapter Officers
President: Matthew Worthington
Vice President: Nathan Smith
Reporter: Emma Nichols
Secretary: Aaron Fikuart
Treasurer: Drake Brown
Sentinel: Gracelyn Harris
Good luck to the AP calculus students that are testing today. To all students, please be mindful and quiet when you are near Mrs. Winter’s room.