Monday, May 10, 2021

Today’s Lunch:  Pizza kits, marinara, broccoli with ranch, and fruit

Tomorrow’s Breakfast:  Donuts, fruit, juice, and milk

Tomorrow’s Lunch:  Ham and cheese sandwich, cucumber salad, and fruit

This is a reminder; the student handbook does state all cell phones should be off or on airplane mode.  It is not permitted to be using a cell phone through your earpods or any type of smart watch.  

Any student interested in a job opportunity with Ameren should stop in the guidance office for more information.

Senior female athletes, please stop by the office and sign up for your senior medal and pick up information for the girls’ sports banquet.

The boys track team will leave at 12:30 today for their meet in Herrin.  Please dismiss at 12:15.

Art Club meeting Tuesday, May 11th after school to take down the Art Show.

The bus for the girls’ track meet at Pinckneyville will leave at 2:30 p.m. today.

Seniors, make sure you check your email today for important reminders.