Monday, September 10, 2018

  • Starting in September one homeroom from each grade level with the best attendance will win a treat for their classroom.

  • 5th grade - The official beginning band sign up meeting is tomorrow night at 6:30 in the commons. Make sure to turn in your permission slip to your homeroom teacher. If you forgot your slip, you can still turn it in tomorrow.

  • 5th and 6th grade Builder's Club Meeting is  TOMORROW (TUESDAY) at 7:30 am in Mrs. Krone's room.  Stop by for information and a permission slip to join.  You can bring your dollar anytime so don't worry if you haven't paid yet.

  • The first student council meeting will be Wednesday September 12th at 7:30 a.m. in Mrs. Mathis' room.  If you can not attend please speak to Mrs. Mathis.