Today’s Lunch: Hot dog, smiley fries, broccoli, and Craisins
Monday’s Breakfast: Cereal, toast, fruit, juice, and milk
Monday’s Lunch: Hamburger, baked beans, and pineapple
Art Club Hoodie sign-up is available in the art room. Cost is $25; money must be turned in to Ms. Collins by Tuesday, October 2nd.
The 2018 Pep Club would like to announce the Spirit Days for the week:
Today- Red and Black Day
Please plan on dressing up each day to gain points for your class!
The nursing office is planning to begin hearing and vision screening in October.
Juniors, we need concession workers for our Varsity Football Game tonight vs. Sparta. We currently do not have anyone signed up, and we need 6-8 workers. Please volunteer if you can!
Student Council Members: Get your t-shirt money to Mrs. Robison by October 1st
$15 for short sleeve $20 for long sleeve
Juniors & Seniors: A representative from the University of Illinois-Springfield campus will be at DHS Monday, October 1st at 10:30. Please sign the list on the bulletin board in the guidance office if you are interested in attending.
FCCLA members--Reminder--Dues and Rally Fees are due next Tuesday. $15 for dues and $15 to attend the Rally at SIU in late October.
Basketball open will be Monday, October 1 from 3:30 to 4:30 in Anders Gym for any boy that is not currently participating in a sport.