Monday, February 7, 2022


Today’s Lunch:  Turkey and cheese on flatbread, seasoned potatoes, cucumber/tomato, and fruit

Tomorrow’s Breakfast:  Breakfast pizza, fruit, juice, and milk

Tomorrow’s Lunch:  Walking taco, confetti beans, Mexican rice, and fruit



Seniors pictures are due Friday, Feb 18 to Mrs. Dunavan.  Please email them to dhspublications@duquoinschools.org.


The French club crêpe bake is Wednesday, Feb 9 after school in Mrs. Stacey's food lab.  A new sign up for those that can attend is posted in the Google Classroom.


There will be a meeting for all girls wanting to go out for girls’ track tomorrow at 3 p.m. in the auditorium.


HOSA will be meeting on Wednesday 2/9 at 3:30 in room 113 to make Valentine's cards for Fairview Nursing home residents.  Please bring any craft supplies and see Mrs. Dean with any questions.


Congratulations to Gabriel Kelly on his 4th place finish at speech regionals this past Saturday.


Play practice starts today. A schedule is on Mrs. Coleman’s door. Check with Mrs Coleman when you arrive for practice instructions.


Baseball workouts this week will be outside after school at 3:30 on Tuesday and Wednesday. 


Attention FBLA Members: Please check Google Classroom for important information about FBLA Week and the State Leadership Conference deadlines.


Student Council Meeting Wednesday Morning in Mrs. Robison's room.  Please Remember that it is in Mrs. Robison's room 115.