Today’s Lunch: Hamburger, baked beans, and pineapple
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Waffle with syrup, sausage, fruit, juice, and milk
Tomorrow’s Lunch: Pizza, salad, corn, and grapes
Art Club Hoodie sign-up is available in the art room. Cost is $25; money must be turned in to Ms. Collins by Tuesday, October 2nd.
The nursing office is planning to begin hearing and vision screening this month.
Student Council Members: Get your t-shirt money to Mrs. Robison by today.
$15 for short sleeve $20 for long sleeve
Juniors & Seniors: A representative from the University of Illinois-Springfield campus will be at DHS today at 10:30. Please sign the list on the bulletin board in the guidance office if you are interested in attending.
FCCLA members--Reminder--Dues and Rally Fees are due tomorrow. $15 for dues and $15 to attend the Rally at SIU in late October.
Basketball open gym will be today from 3:30 to 4:30 in Anders Gym for any boy that is not currently participating in a sport.
There will be a meeting for current NHS members on Wednesday @ 7:30 a.m. in Mr. Jones’ room.
There will be an engineering club meeting @ 7:15 a.m. in Mr. Jones’ room on Thursday.