Today’s Lunch: BBQ chicken on bun, smiley fries, baked beans, and peaches
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Cereal, fruit yogurt, fruit, juice, and milk
Tomorrow’s Lunch: Corn dog, cucumber chips with ranch, broccoli with cheese, and a banana
FCCLA Members--The October meeting and pumpkin decorating contest will be on October 24th. Pumpkin decorating will begin at 3:30 and all pumpkins must be done by 6:00 PM. The October meeting will be at 6:00 PM. Make plans to attend--put it on your calendar!
Seniors: If you need some individual assistance filling out the FAFSA please come sign up in guidance to schedule a time to meet with the ISAC representative. She will be available to meet with you Wednesday, October 24 between 11-1.
French club members interested in making French macarons on Thursday Oct 25, the sign- up sheet is on Mrs. Dunavan's door. Please sign up if you plan to attend.
Juniors and Seniors: If you are interested in learning more about Illinois College sign up in guidance to attend the presentation next Wednesday, Oct. 24th at 9:30.
Juniors and Seniors: A representative will be here from Southern Indiana University next Wednesday, Oct. 24 at 11:00. Sign the list in guidance if you are interested in attending.
Tryouts for girls’ basketball will begin Monday, October 29th. All girls interested in trying out must have a physical and insurance information turned in by the time of tryouts.
There will be girls’ basketball open gym this week on Thursday after school.
There will be an Engineering Club meeting in Mr. Jones’ room @ 7:15 a.m. on Wednesday.
There is an NHS meeting for new members on Thursday at 7:30 a.m. in Mr. Jones’ room to discuss the induction ceremony.
Student Council Members: Stop by Mrs. Robison's room and pick up your parent permission slips for the Fall Workshop.
Football playoff t-shirt orders need to be in by the end of 2nd hour today.