Today’s Lunch: Corn dog, broccoli with cheese, carrots and dip, and apple slices
Monday’s Breakfast: Pop-tarts, fruit, juice, and milk
Monday’s Lunch: Quesadillas, corn, and mandarin oranges
There are some extra playoff shirts in various sizes available in the office.
If you had your picture taken on picture retake day, those pictures are in the office.
FBLA members T-shirt order forms and money are due by Tuesday, November 20. You may turn in to Mrs. Gross, Mr. Boyett or Mrs. Woodsides. Ornaments and snowflakes for the tree are due on Monday, November 26. Any questions please see Mrs. Woodsides.
FBLA members need to register and pay $10.00 with Mrs. Woodsides by Tuesday, November 27 if you plan on attending Southern Area Conference in January.
There will be no after school fitness program this week. The program will be starting again Monday, November 26.
There will be no after school program this week.
There will be a meeting for anyone playing baseball this spring on Monday, November 26 at 3:20 in the library.