Today’s Lunch: Quesadillas, corn, and mandarin oranges
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Pancakes with syrup, bacon, fruit, juice, and milk
Tomorrow’s Lunch: Chicken patty, baked beans, and side kicks
If you had your picture taken on picture retake day, those pictures are in the office.
FBLA members need to register and pay $10.00 with Mrs. Woodsides by Tuesday, November 27 if you plan on attending Southern Area Conference in January.
There will be a meeting today at 3:30 in the library for anyone playing baseball this spring.
The Choices class will be selling cookies during 5A lunch tomorrow and during 5B lunch on Thursday.
The next FCA meeting will take place this Friday during lunch. Please sign up with Mr. Boyett or Mr. File if you plan to attend. Cost for pizza and soda is $3.