Crazy Indian

Today’s Lunch:  Country fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, and a banana

Tomorrow’s Breakfast:  Sausage biscuit, fruit, juice, and milk

Tomorrow’s Lunch:  Tacos with chips, refried beans, and an apple

The Choices class will be selling cookies during 5B lunch on Thursday.

The next FCA meeting will take place this Friday during lunch.  Please sign up with Mr. Boyett or Mr. File if you plan to attend.  Cost for pizza and soda is $3.

Art Club meeting after school Thursday. We will be discussing our holiday party and other upcoming events. If you'd like to participate in a gift exchange you must attend.

The boys’ basketball team is selling Blackout t-shirts for the Blackout Cancer Game on January 12, 2019.  Order forms are available in the office, and payment is due at the time you order. The last day to place an order through the office is December 17.  You may also order online via a credit card through January 2, 2019. No later orders will be accepted.

Seniors: There is a new $2,000 Agriculture Scholarship available for seniors pursuing careers in agriculture.  (Recipients receive $1,000 in 2019 fall semester and $1,000 in 2021 fall semester.) You may apply at Deadline is March 1, 2019.  

Speech practice is cancelled for tonight.