Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Today’s Lunch: Soft taco OR Chicken quesadilla, confetti beans, Mexican rice, and fruit
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Pancake, bacon, fruit, milk, and juice
Tomorrow’s Lunch: Pulled pork OR meatloaf, mashed potatoes, carrots, and fruit
There is an introductory French club meeting tomorrow after school in room 210. You do not need to be in French class to be in French club.
Friends of Rachel Club, please check the Google Classroom for updated announcements.
FBLA meeting this evening at 6pm in the Commons.
FBLA members wanting a t-shirt and/or hoodie, see Ms. Harbin before school, during lunch or ELT. They will be ordered this Friday, Oct 14th.
FBLA and Job Shadow students need to make sure you are checking Google Classroom for updates.
There will be a Speech Team meeting after school in Mrs. Sims' room.
There will be an Educators Rising meeting on Friday, October 14th at 7:38 am.
The next Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting will take place during both lunch hours on Friday, October 14th. Freshmen will meet in the Drivers' Education Room, and Soph-Seniors will meet in Mrs. Stacey's room. Please be sure to complete the Form on the Google Classroom if you plan on attending!
Tryouts for Girls Basketball will take place on Monday, October 31st from 3:30-5:30. All girls must have a physical on file to try out.
Girls that plan on trying out for Girls Basketball should try on shoes with Coach File as soon as possible.