Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Today’s Lunch:  Beefy soft taco OR Chicken quesadilla, corn, confetti beans, Mexican rice, and fruit

Monday’s Breakfast:  Omelet, toast, fruit, milk, and juice

Monday’s Lunch:  Hot ham & cheese OR Grilled cheese, roasted potatoes, broccoli, and fruit

We are on ‘B’ schedule today because of our 2:12 pm dismissal.

The winner of The World Kindness Week food drive goes to the sophomore class! 

If you would like to help Ms. Kelly load up and distribute the items for the food drive come to the Library at dismissal!

Spanish club produce box fundraiser pickup is today, Tuesday, November 22 from 2:30-5PM in the east end of the teachers parking lot. 

HOSA shirts are in and may be picked up in the nursing office.   

The FFA is sponsoring a scavenger hunt for Small Business Saturday.  Everyone is welcome to participate.  Pick up the scavenger hunt form on Saturday morning between 8:30am – 9:30am from the AG building.  Winner gets $100.

The Angel tree is ready to go.  This is a Christmas assistance program that provides gifts to students in need.  If you would like to sponsor a student, please see Mrs. Allie for more information. 

The football banquet will be on Thursday, December 1st at 6:00. The event will be held at the Salty Boar. Every football player needs to attend. The meal will be at 6:00 with awards to follow.

There will be two interest/info meetings for the Girls’ Soccer Team on December 5th and December 8th at 3:20 PM in the auditorium. Anyone interested in playing should attend one of these meetings. If you are interested in playing and are on the basketball team, plan to attend the meeting on the 8th.

Anime Club and Bass fishing can dismiss to the gym for pictures.